Friday, January 4, 2013

CPAP VS BIPAP Difference for People with Sleep Apnea

CPAP VS BIPAP  Difference, The Medical Devices

CPAP vs BIPAP  Difference
CPAP vs BIPAP  Difference related to a device which is usually used for people with apnea sleep. Apnea sleep is disease which is happen to sleeping people and it is signed by a period when your breath is stopped all of sudden frequently. Sometimes, people who are not sleep also experienced this sleep apnea, but they do not recognize it and do not realize it. Then, to treat the sleep apnea disease when people sleep, a device has been published which is known as CPAP. Other device which is more or less has the similar function that is to help people with sleep apnea is known as BIPAP. CPAP vs BIPAP actually talk about the point plus and the point minus of the both devices. However, although what is talked when heard or see the words “CPAP vs BIPAP” is the point plus and the point minus of both devices, actually both CPAP and BIPAP is completely to complete one each other.

When CPAP vs BIPAP Difference

When CPAP versus BIPAP is associated with a device or a medical device to help people with particular disease, then our mind will turn to sleep apnea, other medical disorders like COPD exacerbation, pulmonary edema, etc. CPAP refers to continuous positive airway pressure. This CPAP presents in form of a small machine which is plugs into any electrical device to make it on and can deliver increased pressure air via a long tube which connect the machine to a facial appliance on the patient’s face included nose and  mouth. BIPAP refers to bilevel positive airway pressure and it present in form of model which is more or less has the similarity with CPAP machine. 
When CPAP versus BIPAP is associated with a device to complete one each other, then our mind will turn to a question why?  CPAP is suitable for people with mild sleep apnea. Meanwhile, BIPAP is suitable for people with very serious sleep apnea. That is why both CPAP and BIPAP to complete one each other.
When CPAP vs BIPAP is associated with the pros and cons of the devices, then our mind will turn to the point plus and minus both CPAP and BIPAP. CPAP is very much safe because it can adjust the pressure level which is comfortable for patient. It also can be used together with other treatment. However, it causes headaches, face irritation, stomach problems and nasal congestion. BIPAP  delivers high level air pressure and therefore it suit for severe sleep apnea. However, it causes migraines, rhinitis, headaches, a runny nose, and indigestion.

All the Things about CPAP vs BIPAP Difference

All have been clarified of what are CPAP and BIPAP? How to use both CPAP and BIPAP? For whom both CPAP and BIPAP? The pros and cons both CPAP and BIPAP, and so on. Then, our turn to use both CPAP and BIPAP carefully. In this case, you or the patient shall see doctor to ask about which one from both CPAP and BIPAP suit to your health. As you know before, that  CPAP and BIPAP are used suit to your sleep apnea problems and how serious your sleep apnea disease.  Now, it’s clear, all the things about CPAP VS BIPAP Difference.

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